How Herbalife Works

What The Herbalife program can do for you. 

Many Malaysians struggle to lose/gain weight. Poor eating habits, lack of exercise, stress and a busy lifestyle make it difficult for many people to fullfill their body with the required amount of nutrition. Less nutrition leads to failure on maintaining their ideal weight and achieve optimal health.

The Herbalife Shape works Program
  1. Helps you control calorie intake. Help retain muscle mass by providing quality protein. protein can also help control appetite.

  2. Increase your vitality and energy

  3. Protect your Cells by balancing nutrition

  4. Live an Active lifestyle exercise and Stay Fit.

Teamix : Not Just Your Typical Tea

This question is from Wanda. She inspired me to make a research on Teamix. I have for a longest time wondered which ingredients in Teamix is making us urinate so frequently. So I did a little research and this is what I replied to her.


Q: I don't like to drink tea coz.. normal tea will make my stomach gassy n uncomfortable... So, Teamix tu nnt ade side effects tak cam tu?

teamix is not ur typical tea. its a very special tea.. i'll explain more below..

in terms of gassiness.. it actually lessen the bloatness & gassiness.
thats what i notice after drinking teamix every single day..
dulu my tummy mmg buncit lah.. buncit air kot. eheh.
i pon ade problem gassy, sbb sy jenis yg taleh nak burp.
but thanks to teamix, i don't feel gassy anymore..

normal tea makes u uncomfortable? in what way?

1 thing teamix will do is.. makes ur bladder more active.
so ulang alik toilet utk buang air tu.. its one of the recovery reaction bile amik teamix..
tp tak seme org yg akan rase constant urination ni.
it depends on ur water level. kalo dah normal, u won't face this problem.

sy dulu..
mase awal2 amik teamix mmg kerap. every 10 minutes.
makin lame.. makin jauh la jarak nye.. every 20 minutes..
once an hour.. twice in 3 hours.. once in 3 hours etc..

kerap pee tu, reaction dr teamix.
teamix ade ingredients yg akan meng-activekan bladder u.


Green Tea Extract (Camellia sinensis) – rich in polyphenol antioxidant nutrients; contributes to a general feeling of well-being. contains one third of the amount of caffeine per cup as compared to coffee.
Malva Sylvestris Extract – helps soothe the digestive system, acts as a emollient, demulcent and diuretic
Cardamon Extract – helps the digestive function
Lemon Peel Extract – rich in bio-flavinoids.

so bile dah telan teamix, it will start working.

ur bladder can only sustain about 1.5 litres at a time. terbace/terdgr from somewhere.
so bile dah nak hampir2 penuh, baru u will feel the urge nak pee.

tp with teamix, blom penuh, u akan rase nak pee. this happens becoz of Malva Sylvestris Extract & Lemon Peel Extract acts as diuretic.
* Diuretic is any drug that elevates the rate of urination and thus provides a means of forced diuresis.

teamix ni bukan takat buang air dr bladder je, tp amik skali air2 from parts of ur body.
bese org montel2 ni muke/bdn nmpak mcm swollen/sembab dgn air kan?
gebu semcm je. so teamix akan get rid of that extra water.

cube u try TAK amik teamix. air u consume mcm bese. u will feel the difference.
u won't feel like peeing that much. bile bebetul penuh, baru terase nak pg. :D

so if u tamo ganggu time keje, then, don't drink teamix during working hours.
sampai rumah baru u minum.. ini up to u la nak minum bile. ikut keselesaan u.
but if u nak result cepat.. then consume 1 mug of teamix after each meal and shakes..

sy dulu.. ni sblm HL, mmg ade masalah.. bile buang air, rase tak puas. mcm masih ade je.
perut masih kembung dgn air. tp tamo kuar dah.
but with the help of teamix, bile dah pee, mmg terase la bebetul kosong tangki bladder tu.

sy dulu masalah incontinence gak. bile bersin ter-pee. bladder tak cukup strong.. :-s
tp now dah ok.. sbb ingredients dlm teamix tu ade yg help urinary tract infection.
so kudos again to teamix..

kekerapan pg buang air tu.. akan berkurangan. it won't last forever. u will not keep on peeing that frequent. sbb awal2 ni, teamix tgh buang toxins, buang extra water.. dan balancekan amount of water dlm bdn u. either if it is too low in water.. or too much.. so bile dah normal amount dlm body. paling kerap pon.. dlm 1-2 kali buang air dlm 3-4 jam.

kite tamo la cume 1-2 kali je pg buang air dlm 1 hari. tak elok tu.
kurang sgt buang air pon tak elok. takpon tak buang air langsung.
minum byk.. tak kencing2. same la jugak.. mkn byk.. tp tak membuang.
stuck kat dlm tu. tamo kuar-kuar.. :-s

selain tu.. u will sweat alot..

1 mug of hot teamix = 20 minutes of workout

u will feel more energise/alert..
it will cleanse/detox ur body.. etc..

Which product should I take for weight management?

okay.. i get this question A LOT! i have to keep repeating the same old thing over and over and over again. it gets pretty tiring.. :P

so since.. there's a few related questions that I've answered in formspring and 1 from disqus, might as well compiled all of them here. so if anyone ask me the same question, i'll just direct them to this link.

weight management here means: lose weight, gain weight, maintain weight and improve health.

your choices are:
- F1 only
- F1 + Teamix
- F1 + F3
- F1 + F3 + Teamix

my guideline:

based on budget...
if u have little money, F1 is for u. but ur progress will be really slow compared if u add another F3 or teamix.
if u can spend a little bit extra, pls choose F1 + teamix
if u don't care about spending a lot, F1 + F3 + teamix is for u.

based on how many kilos to lose...
if u have to lose less than 20 kg, F1 + teamix would be for u, but u can still opt for F1 + F3 + teamix if u want to.
if u have to lose more than 20 kg, choose F1 + F3 + teamix.

based on what to focus first...
if u want to focus more on INCHES, take F1 + teamix.
if u want to focus more on KILOS, take F1 + F3 + teamix.

based on diet plateau...
if u weight progress has suddenly stop, u may switch by opting out F3 ..or.. start taking F3.
u started off with F1 + Teamix. ur weight loss was ok, but suddenly out of the blue, it hasn't budged for a few months. to continue ur weight loss, u should take F1 + F3 + Teamix.
u started off with F1 + F3 + Teamix. ur weight loss was ok, but suddenly out of the blue, it hasn't budged for a few months. to continue ur weight loss, u should take F1 + Teamix.

based on other situation...
if u happen to be pregnant or breastfeeding, F1 + F3, teamix will be optional. u can still consume teamix, max is 1 tspn per day. but if u want to go for 100% caffeine FREE, then just take F1 + F3.
if ur have a medical conditions such has HBP, abnormal heartbeat.. etc, same as above, teamix is optional and u can consume 1 tspn of teamix max per day. do not exceed the limit.

ok.. hope that clears everything.

below is from my formsprings and 1 from disqus.


Q1: dh 4 bulan amik Herbalife..dr 69kg drop to 63kg...i'm 151cm.. medium frame.. rasanye 54-56kg should be ok for me kan?..dlm 4bln ni mmg amik F1 dan teamix..agak2, bila agaknya sesuai saya amik f1 dengan f3?.. sbb kebanyakkan ckp amik f1 dulu. for height 151 cm, female... ideal weight based on BMI (source link)

A: for height 151 cm, female... ideal weight based on BMI

small frame = 43 - 47 kg
medium frame = 47 - 51 kg
large frame = 51 - 56 kg

so ideal weight is ......... 43 - 56 kg

check ur frame size HERE

bila nak amik F3.. ini kene tgk pd progress awak mcm mane. kilos loss dan inches loss awak masih consistent atau skang dah makin slow? kalo mcm.. stakat lose 0.5 kg je sebulan.. instead of ur usual.. cth 3 kg or above, then.. boleh la nak amik F3.

atau pon, ur weight loss, mmg dah tak bergerak lame.. itu pon 1 signal utk awak amik F3. kalo progress masih okay, tak perlu amik F3 lg. focus on inches loss dulu. shrink kan body awak sebyk yg mungkin dulu.

mcm sy..... masuk 7th month baru amik F3, mase tu monthly progress sket je.

1st 6 months sy amik F1 + teamix saje.
sy loss 10 kilos + 21.9 inches off my body

the remaining 4 months, sy amik F1 + F3 + teamix.
sy loss 8 kilos + 3.6 inches off my body

pestu, without HL loss 1 kilos + 10".

so dr sini boleh nmpk beza average loss.

with F1 + teamix (6 months)
average kilos loss per month: 1.7 kg
average inches loss per month: 3.7"

with F1 + F3 + teamix (4 months)
average kilos loss per month: 2 kg
average inches loss per month: 0.9"